Correcting Japanese Students

Feb 9, 2016 14:49
Recently, I often correct graduation theses of students in my laboratory.

Since they are Japanese sentences that were written by Japanese, surely there are not many grammatical errors.

However, there are some basic errors related to tenses and conjunctions.

When I notice such a little mistakes, I recall my experience of Lang-8.

I think I've been more sensitive to a little mistake because I've continued to correct Japanese sentences on Lang-8.

I am grateful to everyone.






No. 1 gyokuro's correction
  • Correcting Japanese Students
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Recently, I often correct graduation theses of students in my laboratory.
  • Recently, I have often been correcting graduation theses of students in my laboratory.
  • Since they are Japanese sentences that were written by Japanese, surely there are not many grammatical errors.
  • Since they are Japanese sentences that were written by Japanese people, surely there are not many grammatical errors.
  • However, there are some basic errors related to tenses and conjunctions.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • When I notice such a little mistakes, I recall my experience of Lang-8.
  • When I notice such a little mistakes, I am often reminded ofmy experience of Lang-8.
  • I think I've been more sensitive to a little mistake because I've continued to correct Japanese sentences on Lang-8.
  • I think I've been more sensitive to a little mistakes because I've continued to correct Japanese sentences on Lang-8.

I'd love to know what kind of mistakes Japanese grad students make.
Thank you very much for correcting my post! :)

For example, he wrote "本稿では実験を行っている (we are conducting the experiment in this paper)," but he should have used past tenses, like "実験を行った (we conducted the experiment)."

Also, he used conjunctions that have the same meaning twice in a sentence, like "~であるが,だったが,~であった. (Although ..., however, ...)," and used spoken language, such as "やっぱり" or "~なので."
No. 2 Mike's correction
Thank you for sharing it :)
Maybe I will overlook some of them, haha.
No. 3 Timmy's correction
  • When I notice such a little mistakes, I recall my experience of Lang-8.
  • When I notice such (or: these) little (or: minor) mistakes, I recall my experience on Lang-8.
Hanging out on L8 definitely has its effect:)
Thank you very much always for correcting my post!
Yes, I also think it definitely has good effects :)
You're welcome!^_^